Rural youth e-council meetings

During the project's lifetime, two rounds of e-councils will be organized (1 in Month 14 & 1 in Month 16), where three young people living in rural areas and one representative of a youth organization located in rural areas from at least three different partner countries will participate in each e-meeting (Total 24 participants: at least 12 participants in each e-council).
This section contains information about these meetings, including the agenda, links to participate in these events, contents, and outcomes (videos, pictures, etc.). During these events, young people living in rural areas across Europe can come together and exchange knowledge, experiences, opinions, and ideas on how to address their everyday challenges and needs through civic development and active participation in the decision-making process.

The rural youth e-councils establish a mechanism to guide young people living in rural areas in Europe to be more active in youth organizations and to cooperate with collective awareness. The e-councils enable young people to participate in developing policies and actions together and to strengthen communication among young people living in rural areas, youth, and members of youth organizations/associations located in rural areas.

The partners involved are: ARCES (COO), IED (BEN), TDM 2000 (BEN), PDA Lebanon (BEN), NARC Jordan (BEN), UTAP Tunisia (BEN).

If you want to participate in the meetings please let us know at