This section will present the Course of “Dialogue and Communication” and specifically introduce questions related to this topic. There are two modules dealing with this concept according to specific local needs that were analysed by the Project Consortium.
Moreover questions will be addressed to the participants with aim of evaluating their understanding.

تركز هذه الوحدة على تعزيز مهارات الاتصال، حيث تسهم في تعليم كيفية إجراء حوار فعّال والاستماع النشط. سيتعلم المشاركون كيفية التواصل بوضوح، والتعاطف مع الآخرين، والانخراط في تقديم ملاحظات بناءة، وهو ما يعد ضروريًا للمشاركة الاجتماعية والمدنية.

عند إكمال هذه الوحدة، ستكون قادرًا على:

  • جمع واستخدام المعلومات بفعالية في الحوارات الرسمية وغير الرسمية.
  • فهم والانخراط في الحوارات الثقافية.
  • تحسين الحساسية تجاه المشاكل الاجتماعية.
  • تطوير القدرة على تقديم واستقبال الملاحظات البنّاءة

Focalizzato sul miglioramento delle abilità comunicative, questo modulo insegna il dialogo efficace e l'ascolto attivo. I partecipanti impareranno a comunicare in modo chiaro, a empatizzare con gli altri e a impegnarsi in un feedback costruttivo, tutti elementi essenziali per il coinvolgimento sociale e civico. Completando questo modulo, sarai in grado di: • Raccogliere e utilizzare informazioni in modo efficace sia in dialoghi formali che informali. • Comprendere e partecipare a dialoghi culturali. • Migliorare la sensibilità rispetto ai problemi sociali. • Sviluppare la capacità di fornire e ricevere feedback costruttivo.

Non preoccuparti, non preoccuparti ο και ενεργητική ακρόαση. Empatizza per te

Ricordati di sapere cosa ne pensi:

• Συγκεντρώνετε dall'inizio πίσημους και ανεπίσημους διαλόγους. • L'apparecchio non è compatibile con l'apparecchio.

• Assicurarsi che l'apparecchio sia intatto.

   Αναπτύξετε την ικανότητα νtha ροφοδότηση.

Focused on enhancing communication skills, this module teaches effective dialogue and active listening. Participants will learn how to communicate clearly, empathize with others, and engage in constructive feedback, all of which are vital for social and civic engagement.
By completing this module, you will be able to:
•    Gather and use information effectively in both formal and informal dialogues.
•    Understand and engage in cultural dialogues.
•    Improve sensitivity to social problems.
•    Develop the ability to provide and receive constructive feedback.